Please review the following information concerning use of this internal web system:
Information captured and/or displayed on this web system, is for the explicit use of Lake of the Pines Property Ownwers Assosiation in the sharing of cooperative information among neighbors. Such information is intended to benefit each owner and stimulate neighborhood cohesiveness.
This system is the property of this organization, and is intended for the use of authorized users only. All posted information and suggestions are voluntary. The privacy of individual participants is protected to the extent the participant wishes to reveal. User passwords are encrypted against hacking. User first and last names are exposed to identify participating contributing speakers. All activities of individuals using this computing system with or without authority, or in excess of their authority, may be monitored and recorded by system personnel. If any such monitoring reveals evidence of destructive intent and is in
violation of state and federal law, such evidence may be provided to law enforcement officials for further legal action by this organization's Information Protection group.